Skull & Bones
"Is Skull & Bones (S&B) secretly dictating US policy?"
This secret student society, also known as ‘The Brotherhood of Death’, was founded at Yale University in 1832. It has seen many prominent figures in politics and business, including several US-presidents. Each year, 15 new ‘Bonesmen’ are initiated with a ceremonial pat on the back in its headquarters, known as the ‘Tomb’. With its preference for morbid symbols, S&B is a favorite subject of conspiracy theories. It is claimed to pull the strings in American and pursue a plan for global domination. However, in reality, S&B is likely nothing more than a glorified fraternity where members enjoy camaraderie, dressing up in quirky costumes, and yes, get wasted. Of course, this is great for networking, but not quite enough to orchestrate world domination.

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